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Obstacle course 

I began this course by using my housemate and her athletic abilities for reference in a "total wipeout" style obstacle. The references were then used a put together to create a video reference which then gave me the idea for the setup I wanted and the background which I then took to a 3d background. My initial background was 3d and was meant to include water and a paring shot however once I began animating my character I noticed that the background didn't work so well with the simple character design so I chose to change tit to a simple line art background which worked much better , this also allowed me to more easily animatic the bounce on the ball when the character moves from. one ball to another, before they fall to their demise. 


Building backgrounds in 3D 

Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 22.54.22.png

Completed Obstacle Course 

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